I had quite the fun-filled Easter weekend! Started it out Saturday with a trip to the tulip fields north of Seattle, with mom, grandma, Auntie Charan, and cousin Shelby. Auntie Charan made me an adorable Easter dress to match Shelby's, only it was so cold that Shelby ended up not wearing hers. Here I am getting ready for the day.

Just beautiful!

BRRRR! We lucked out with no rain, but plenty of wind and very chilly!

Smelling the flowers

Grandma leading us girls through the mud. The puddles were probably our favorite part of the trip. Who cares about flowers when you can splash around? And yes, mommy is still trying to get my dress (and especially tights) clean!

See the candy the Easter bunny left for me!? Easter sure is fun, but it would have been better had mommy let me eat chocolate for breakfast!

I had my first trip to church too! We tried to surprise cousin Laura and her husband Moises by attending their church, but they weren't able to make the morning service. Oh well, I still enjoyed hearing Daddy sing the various hymns to me! And we did get to see Laura and Moises for lunch!