Paige had her two-year doctor visit yesterday. It went well...except for the cying and clinging. Ok, maybe it didn't go so well after all. She weighed 29 lbs, 4 ounces, which is 80th percentile. Right on track. Her height is "that of a 3-year-old" (quote from the doctor), also right on track with her previous measurements. We don't have an official height to record though because she refused to leave Mommy's arms. Best guess is around 34". Unfortunately her fears were realized and she received a Hep A and Flu shot, and the doctor does recommend we return for the H1N1 vaccine in a couple weeks.

Apparently she's also missing a couple teeth - her second teeth on top, both of them. Nothing we can do about it, but maybe visit a pediatric dentist in a couple years, have x-rays, and verify that she does have permanent teeth. Hopefully she's got them hiding up there.

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