I've been a bit behind posting. 'Tis the season, I guess.
Last month Paige upgraded to a big kid bed! She hadn't been trying to crawl out of her crib yet, but technically she had exceeded the recommended height (as in, if she tried to climb out, she probably wouldn't have had any problems making that a reality). And my sister was trying to make room at her place (for the new little bean, so excited(!)) so thus the toddler bed became a reality.
Paige had a great time helping Daddy take apart the crib. He let her pull out all of the screws, and she took her job very seriously.
After rearranging the room half a dozen times, we finally came up with an organization that worked.
Is she really old enough for this? Scary how fast they grow...
The first few nights she was terrified of it, but she's over that now. Funny thing though, she doesn't realize that she can climb out of bed. I thought for sure she would surprise us at 2am, climbing into our bed if she woke. But no, she still cries if she wakes up in the middle of the night and waits for us to go to her. I'm ok with that, not too fond of the thought of her roaming the house at night anyway!
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