Thursday, June 25, 2009

Chef Boyar-Daddy

Last night Daddy made dinner while Mommy was at the gym. He made my absolute favorite, spaghetti. Currently I'm all about tomatoes, and even better if it's tomato sauce. Daddy coined a new phrase last night "double bibbed and pantsless". I don't understand, I have the best table manners.
Look at these tiny, petite bites I'm taking.
Fast forward a few minutes...

Could this be why Daddy double-bibbed me and took off my pants?

Yummy! Thanks Daddy!

How to: reorganize the kitchen

There is only one cabinet in the kitchen that mommy and daddy don't have a lock on, so they fill it with things that I am allowed to touch. My interior decorating skills took over last night.
First: remove everything.
Then show Daddy your progress. Make sure he doesn't tell you no. Continue.
Try not to look guilty. Now put everything back nice and neat. Impress the heck out of your parents, since you're really good at pulling things out but never put things back.
Admire your work.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Congratulations Laura!

This weekend Daddy's cousin (my second-cousin? first cousin once removed?) Laura graduated with her nursing degree. We celebrated with a night out at Red Robin, where I got to meet my Uncle John and Aunt Betty for the first time.
It takes me a while to warm up to new people, but by the end of the night we were fast friends.
Congratulations Laura and good luck!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to the best daddy!

After all, I wouldn't share my applesauce with just anyone!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How to: feed the dog

Pour pre-scooped dog food into bowl (as Norman looks on)
Put scoop back (as Norman looks on)Stand in sink
Turn water on and fill up dog dish

turn water off
turn water on
turn water off
turn water on
put hands in water
(yes, Norman is still looking on)

hear the dog bark and remember that you were doing something
turn water off
feed the dog
high fives all around

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lesson learned

Note to self: next time you think the $1.99 gallon of milk at Albertson's is a good deal, think again. It won't seem so ideal when you're cleaning baby vomit out of the carseat. Poor kiddo!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Daddy: Paige, do you love your Daddy?
Paige: No (keep in mind, this is her favorite word)
Daddy: Paige, do you love your Mommy?
Paige: No
Daddy: Paige, do you love Norman?
Paige: {long pause} Yes

Monday, June 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Norman!

To my pal who's always there; ready to bark, play, and clean up all of the food that I drop from my highchair!