Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas everyone!

Santa shouldn't have told Paige that she was getting a pony for Christmas...May your day be happy and bright (and without tears!)

How I get so big and strong at such a young age.

Hello everybody. I bet you ask yourself how I become some big and strong so fast. Well, I am thankful to say that my daddy is very much into fitness and that allows me to smile with joy when he plays with me and tosses me like an OU football. I would like to ask your help in supporting my daddy in his new quest to become a personal trainer. Daddy has created a new facebook page for his future as a trainer. Feel free to check it out and help keep him motivated so I too can have fun. The website is found here:
My daddy has big strong shoulders that I like to sit on and the hard head I like to beat on.

Thank you daddy for having such strong back muscles for me to play drums on and walk on.

I love it when daddy throws me like that football onto the next couch or my mommys arms.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Laundry basket fun

Forget the fancy toys!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Hide and Seek

What's better than one girl playing hide and seek? Two!

This picture cracks me up, because Paige had to do exactly what Shelby was doing, even though she has no concept of Hide and Seek yet!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Big girl bed

I've been a bit behind posting. 'Tis the season, I guess.

Last month Paige upgraded to a big kid bed! She hadn't been trying to crawl out of her crib yet, but technically she had exceeded the recommended height (as in, if she tried to climb out, she probably wouldn't have had any problems making that a reality). And my sister was trying to make room at her place (for the new little bean, so excited(!)) so thus the toddler bed became a reality.

Paige had a great time helping Daddy take apart the crib. He let her pull out all of the screws, and she took her job very seriously.

After rearranging the room half a dozen times, we finally came up with an organization that worked.
Is she really old enough for this? Scary how fast they grow...
The first few nights she was terrified of it, but she's over that now. Funny thing though, she doesn't realize that she can climb out of bed. I thought for sure she would surprise us at 2am, climbing into our bed if she woke. But no, she still cries if she wakes up in the middle of the night and waits for us to go to her. I'm ok with that, not too fond of the thought of her roaming the house at night anyway!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Favorite shoes

Paige is at that age where she's starting to get attached to things. Mommy, Daddy, blanket, and most recently, shoes. Specifically her pink boots that light up when she walks. If she were in charge of her wardrobe, she would wear them with everything.

Carving pumpkinsHanging out around the house Bedtime Immediately after bathtime

Who needs PJ's when your feet are toasty warm?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Saturday night was family night, where we celebrated Daddy's and Uncle Norm's birthdays. Because I'm a pro now at opening presents, I helped Uncle Norm and Shelby gave Daddy a hand.

Oooh, Dots! I may have to keep those for myself!

Lots of playing, and even Berkeley had a great time.

Did you know Apple Pie is my new favorite?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

2 year doctor visit

Paige had her two-year doctor visit yesterday. It went well...except for the cying and clinging. Ok, maybe it didn't go so well after all. She weighed 29 lbs, 4 ounces, which is 80th percentile. Right on track. Her height is "that of a 3-year-old" (quote from the doctor), also right on track with her previous measurements. We don't have an official height to record though because she refused to leave Mommy's arms. Best guess is around 34". Unfortunately her fears were realized and she received a Hep A and Flu shot, and the doctor does recommend we return for the H1N1 vaccine in a couple weeks.
Apparently she's also missing a couple teeth - her second teeth on top, both of them. Nothing we can do about it, but maybe visit a pediatric dentist in a couple years, have x-rays, and verify that she does have permanent teeth. Hopefully she's got them hiding up there.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

More from my weekend

When you're 2, you can't just celebrate your birthday on one day. No, it has to be celebrated for an entire weekend! My birthday (Thursday) was spent running around with Mommy, helping her prepare for the party. Then we opened presents. This is my new dollhouse.
It even has a potty to play with.

Granny arrived just in time for bedtime! But we caught up on Friday at lunch. Gee, which football team do we root for? OU!

I even got my own birthday sundae!
Now that I'm 2 I don't have to share. Go away Mommy, it's all mine!

Friday night we visited with cousin Laura and Moises, and Rode the Ducks. It's an old WWII amphibious landing craft that was converted into a touring vehicle. I learned lots and we even went out on the water! I admit, I wanted to jump in.

The weather was perfect and I said hi to all the passing ships.
Saturday was the party, and then to bed early. It was an exhausting day; playing with all my new toys wears me out!

Sunday we headed up to Mt Rainier. So happy the weather cooperated while Granny was in town (it rained the entire weekend last year). The sights were just beautiful!

Then it was off to some old family friends' place where I got to play with my "cousins" Morgan and Raegan.

They had the neatest toys!
Monday was spent running errands and visiting with my grandparents on Mommy's side. Granny left yesterday and I'm so happy she was able to come to town for my birthday again!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Down on the Farm

Oink, Moo, Paige is 2!

Paige had her farm themed birthday party on Saturday. What a hoedown good time! Granny flew in from Oklahoma, and Paige celebrated with family, neighbors, and friends!

Mommy spent forever on the cake, decorations, and every detail. Sure Paige won't remember it but the pictures are adorable!

Daddy even surprised the guests with a special treat!

All in all it was a great day. Thanks to everyone for coming out to celebrate!